Sunday, September 20, 2015

Feminism On Book Blogs

I know, I have just recently started posting on this blog (which reminds me, I still have to sort through all the unpublished works I had earlier done to share) but I cant help but be thankful that I finally made the decision to do so. Something about blogging makes me a happy feminist. I mean, who doesn’t love a wider audience. The best thing? This place is so magical (and free) that it feels like you are staying in an open community, with the opportunity to connect with an extensive multitude. Now who doesn't love that idea?

Oh and yes, with my new found love for book bloggers, So I’ve started religiously following Feminist book blogs. I didn’t expect this decision to make me this cheerful! I always thought that I knew just what I wanted out of a book on Gender, and where I would be able to find those books. Throughout my life, my practice for finding the books I want to read has really changed and evolved a lot. This past months, I don’t think I’ve done as much reading as I did in the previous months, and I have to admit that it’s been a little hard adapting to post- University school life.

Without school assignments putting books after books in front of me, there’s a bit of a feeling like I’m lost at sea. I’m still reading though, but it’s something that I have to remember to do now, because when in doubt I just wind up with navigating the web or go through a u tube session. I think I might  be posting  later about my favorite book blogs, but right now I’m still getting a feel and a taste of all the ones I’m following, and trying to decide who has the best advice on what to read on Feminism. Yes, I’m so excited!
I never would have realized how many people are out there, just talking about  Feminist ideologies and the books they read on them to trigger action. I try to comment on some of the blogs I read, and let people know I do value the fact that they’re going to such effort to produce content and inform other readers. With the internet and the way that everyone has a platform on it, it can be hard to find what you’re looking for or even know that it is out there. I hope I get to grab a lot on the thousands of blog articles and books published everyday, and I’m realizing that book bloggers provide a vital service in the new landscape of publishing. It is an incredible advantage for me to have these bloggers as a resource and to be able to contribute my thoughts to the World through my own Blog.
#ProudlyFeminist #Cameroon

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