Almost two years ago, the UN declared October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child to raise awareness on all issues regarding gender inequality around the world. It was a day set aside for activist groups to come together under the same goal to highlight, discuss, and take action to advance rights and opportunities for girls everywhere. Hence, today is not just a day; it’s a movement. A worldwide revolution that is aimed at making ourselves and girls everywhere to be seen as equals in the eyes of others.

“My dream at 15, was to become a pilot, to be able to travel around the world. I hope to be able to work in an Air Craft Industry some day, but I feel really bad because of the need of the amount of money involved in pursuing a professional training in the field, plus its mostly done out of Cameroon. I want to be able to proof to the World that what Men can do, strong women can also do and do them even better than the men. I feel like it is really something that connects to my heart. I believe most of all, that I can challenge my family and friends who think Women need most to be under a man than to be independent and strong. They say ill be unmarried and un loyal, that men would run away from me. But I don’t give a hood about what they think, am still exploring my options and working on my plans to achieve this dream, God being my helper.”
Charlotte 25
“My dream at 15 was to become Miss Cameroon , to lead my community and to have the chance to touch the lives of so many people in my Country as possible, through serving them using the platform. Until now, I still want to be Miss Cameroon to show other Girls that you can be beautiful, strong, intelligent, and lead with a good heart all at once. "To become an exemplary leader and make a change to empower other girls lives is my dream”
Marie-Rose 18
“My dream at 15 has always been to own my own business, an attractive fashion mall where my friends and other people can come in to buy fashionable clothes and shoes, make up themselves and hang out to discuss girls vibe. The first step I have taken is to obtain a University education, then ill get a professional training Certificate and start up my own business afterwards, first with free beauty info tips sessions and then offering affordable days of care and Bonanza activities (almost impossible to come by in the city). Then, I would set up a full and complete business by the time am 25.
Susan 22
“I want to be able to make people happy.To touch the lives of everyone around me with love & happiness. Whether by helping them, laughing, or a simple smile. Everyone has to feel important and worthy in Life. That has been my dream since I was 15”
Remy 27
“I desire to travel abroad immediately after obtaining a Bachelors Degree to work and figure my way through life. This has been my dream since when I was 15yrs old. I was a little boy and I watched how my Uncle traveled out, worked hard and became very successful. I want to be able to be as successful as my Uncle. To help my family and the people around me. That is how I want my future to look like in a few years.
Ludovic 27.
Well, as for me, here is what I had to say about my dreams as a child. At 15, I dreamt of becoming a Doctor(PhD) and teach Feminism to University students Worldwide. I still stand firm in that dream.

"..A dream is like a precious necklace that you never want to loose, and each individual’s dream is perfect and dazzling in its own right. Together they can form a beautiful chain of inspiration and excitement which keeps a person alive and makes their every existence meaningful"
"Together, We want ourselves and girls everywhere, to be seen as equals and with full potential in the eyes of others and in our own eyes".
#Global Goals in #Cameroon
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