One of my
greatest role models of all time, Dr. Ann Marie E. McSwain of Lincoln
University opined that, Leadership is about Capacity- the capacity to listen
and observe, to use your expertise as a starting point to encourage dialogue
between all levels of decision making, to establish processes and transparency in
decision-making, to articulate your own values and visions clearly but not
impose them. It is about setting and not just reacting to agendas, identifying
problems, and initiating change that makes for substantial improvement rather
than managing change.

In the
spirit of raising women leaders in communities around Cameroon, I am happy to announce on behalf of the
WIHD Cameroon team our “WIHD MAIZE” project which was launched in December 2014 and became effective in 2015 currently taking place in the Nsimalen
village located in the Centre region of Cameroon.
This project is aimed at supporting rural women/Girls through motivating them to cultivate a positive attitude to enable them raise themselves and families out of poverty. It brings together prominent female leaders in the community and young girls both within and out of school to learn about best practices and get engaged in Maize/Livestock Farming activities which eventually helps them raise funds, share experiences between themselves and facilitators as a motivational asset to break free from poverty and begin a practice and a dream of a possible better future for themselves.It also would engage alot more women in professional workshops in the months and years ahead to equip them with professional skills both in agriculture and self development which could enable them boost productivity while gaining more income for themselves.
At the end of the project, we are expecting to have inspired between 3000-5000 young girls who are both in and out of school to take an interest in education and see a reason to aspire for the highest educational qualifications to improve on themselves and Families and also train between 1000-5000 other women/Girls in the best techniques in self development/ keeping intensive livestock farms.Our aim is to optimize food production and the welfare of the women in the communities we would serve within the duration of the project.
N.B This project is meant to implement 9 of the Global Goals (1,2,3,4,5,8, 10,11,13) in Cameroon, beginning with the Centre region and extending to other parts of the Country in the future.The project will run from 2015 through 2030.